Seo services

At Grok Solution, we offer professional SEO services that ensure that your web site gets better search engine ranking so that your company, products and services are easily noticeable to your customers. Our web SEO specialists design and code your web site in such a way that your website pages when indexed by search engines through search engine algorithms, gets improved search engine placement and ranking.

Our talented and dynamic team of web SEO consultants and SEO experts has spent years researching on the search engine placement and search engine positioning strategies and employs the SEO business driven technology in all the projects. Hence, whenever a potential customer searches the Internet for the products and services your company offers, he/she is easily directed to your website.

Webaver includes following stages for SEO

We conduct details analysis of your existing website's search engine compatibility in terms of HTML design, page extensions, link popularity, title and META tags, browser compatibility, link popularity, body text, ALT IMG tags, page load time, and dead links. We then provide a detailed report with recommendations based on your findings. We then work closely with you to ensure that we tailor our website optimization services to your exact needs.

If your existing website was designed without SEO in mind, we can re-design or revamp your existing website source code to suit the search engine's requirements. These would include modification of source code, removal of frames and flash, renaming of files and directories, as well as incorporating a sitemap, etc.

We undertake extensive keyword research to determine what people are typing into search engines to find products and services similar to yours. We also look at your competitor's sites to find search terms they are using. Using specialist software, we analyze the resulting search keywords and phrases for performance and determine how many other sites are competing for high ranking with the same terms. We then provide you with a list of search terms especially tailored for your site, in order of potential ranking performance on the various engines. Working closely with you, we revise and streamline the list to come up with four or five priority search terms for each page being optimized.

One of the most crucial steps of any website optimization for search engines, this is when we take a look at your existing site copy and with your input, our professional copywriter makes changes to ensure it is both search engine compatible and viewer friendly. This can include additions of keywords and phrases to your existing body text, or the drafting of entirely new body text for various pages, to ensure ranking relevancy and content satisfying to both search engine and viewer.

At this stage we draft tailored TITLE and META tags for each being optimized, utilizing your prioritized search terms. The tags are them run through testing software to check for search engine effectiveness and ranking potential across a range of search engines.

A highly recommended phase in the Search Engine Optimization process is a link building campaign to help improve your site's link popularity, an important factors in the ranking algorithms of many major search these days (particularly Google).

7. Organic Search Submission
We will submit all of the pages on your that are optimized to the most important search engines such as Goole, Bing, Yahoo, Altheweb, Altavista, Ask Jeeeves, Lycos and MSN. Professional search engine submissions will be made to engines and directories where your site is not already listed. Once your site has been submitted to search engines and directories, you must be patient! Keep in mind that search engines can take anywhere between one and 12 weeks to list your site, so you may not notice ranking improvements for a few weeks.

8. Paid Directory Submission
Apart from search engines, other important places that offer a web site submission services are search directories. The most important directory on the Internet to have your site listed in is undoubtedly, Yahoo! . Yahoo! Is still the most widely used search directory on the Internet, with an estimated 70% of the search market. Another popular search directory is LookSmart. While not as popular as Yahoo!, LookSmart is somewhat important because their database feeds other major search engines and portals including MSN, iWon and Aitavisa.

Unfortunately, if you run any type of commercial web site, there is no way to use the submission services of either of these directories except via their express search engine submission options. We strongly recommend you pay to submit your site to Yahoo! as [art of your web site promotion campaign. It will pay for itself very quickly! As for LookSmart , well, they have changed into a pay per click model. Whether or not you submit your site to LookSmart will depend on hoe important traffic from their partners is to your site.

11. Pay-Per-Click Management
These days, most search engines and directories have a Pay For Performance (PFP) or Pay Per Click (PPC) element to them. These paid services are a way of promoting your site by paying for the extra exposure, rather than relying solely on your site's search engine ranking as determined by the search engine compatibility of your site design.

The extra exposure can include having your site listed above the normal search listings under "sponsored matches" or "featured listings", or via specially designed text ads that display when your target keywords or phrases are searched on. If you don't have search engine compatible sites, or that don't have the time or budget to implement a traditional search engine optimization campaign to obtain high ranking, PPC options can be good solutions to increasing site traffic quickly. These options are also an excellent choice when used in combination with a search engine optimization campaign to achieve maximum exposure and larger traffic volumes.

10. SEO Maintenance & Reporting
To ensure up to date listings, we monitor your site ranking every month for 6 to 12 months and each month, where there is a significant drop in ranking or your URL has disappeared from the index, your site is resubmitted to the relevant search engine or directory. We do this very carefully, so as not to cause your site any ranking penalties from over submission. We will also "tweak" your META tags from time to time during the duration of the contract, to ensure your target search terms keep ranking well. Depending on your chosen package, we supply monthly search engine ranking reports for you to track improvements for your site on main search engines and directories for chose search terms for 6 or 12 months. You will receive a report monthly for the term of your contact. Keep in mind that search engines an take anywhere between one and 12 weeks to list your site, so you may not notice improvements for a few weeks.